Monday, December 29, 2008

Have a look at YOUR world in 2009!!!

As you know Mr Booth is always harping on about the wonders of Google Earth and trying to use it in his Geography lessons. Well now have a look at this site...

Go to and click on MAPS at the top of the page. Zoom out so that you can see USA, New Zealand, Japan and even parts of France. Point to the symbol of a man on the top left of the screen and drag it to anywhere that has turned blue on your maps. You can zoom into street level.

Click on the arrows on the street and the image move that direction. Hold the mouse button down and move the mouse and you can see 360 degrees.

Yes BH and ZWD in my class you can finally see those scenes of New York that I was telling you about! AC and DR ( also in my class) you can look around at NASA in Florida.

Once you have explored the world, click off the photo and then click onto MORE and tick the photos and video. You should be able to see millions of images from all over the world. Think global. Find strange islands in the South Pacific or ice frozen mountains in Norway. Remember it's YOUR world. You can start exploring it right here.

That's it. We will be back a week today so I am sure that I will mention it once or twice..... maybe three or four times :)
I hope the homework is going ok. No one has made any COMMENTS so I look forward to it seeing all when we get back.
Enjoy the rest of your holiday.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Homework 19th December 2008 Christmas

Homework 19th December 2008 Christmas

1. You have been learning about Separating Mixtures. By Friday, 9th January 2009 learn these words:

Substances, mixture, separate, filter, evaporate, condensation, water vapour, dissolve, condense , solution.

You will also need them in your homework and spelling test.

2.Science homework

Mr. Massey had a bad day! He had a cup of water but some salt fell into his cup. As he was looking for another cup, he stupidly knocked some rice into the cup, so now his drink of water has salt and rice in it. He had an idea though. He could separate them!

Your homework is to perform the experiment at home as I showed you. You may use other substances instead of rice but it must be grains or the same size as rice grains. You may use sugar instead of salt. You have been given filter paper but if you are on holiday you may use kitchen roll instead. (Don't worry if at the end of the experiment , Mr. Massey only has a drop of water to drink.)

How are you going to measure the liquids and solids? Tip : teaspoons=5ml desert/ pudding spoon=10 ml (How could you prove that?) How will you record scientifically?

Which heat sources might you use in your home? Remember to be careful and check with the adult that you live with.

Either write a recount of what you did including labeled diagrams or write up the experiment (once you have completed it ). Make sure that you use scientific words and scientific measurements. (Liquids are measured in ml, mass/ weight is measured in grams!)

Challenge : Everyone will get a drop for Mr .Massey’s drink at the end of the experiment BUT how could you perform the experiment to get a mouthful of water? What is the process called? We discussed it on Friday.

You should look in your science revision guide for further help. If you were away on Friday, contact your friend.

A recount is the telling of an event e.g. trip, special day, experiment etc It will be in the past tense and be in chronological order. It will use time connectives and include a closing statements.

3.Write a recount about Christmas day, include good points and bad points, similes, metaphors, higher order
punctuation. Obviously include paragraphs and complex sentences. I expect at least a page from blue/ green , page and half from yellow and 2 pages from red / orange.

4. Write a recount of your visit to the Imperial war museum include good points and bad points, similes, metaphors, higher order punctuation. Obviously include paragraphs and complex sentences. I expect at least a page from blue/ green , page and half from yellow and 2 pages from red / orange.

5.Finish reading your reading book. Write a review of the book. Discuss the characters, setting, the action. What you thought of it and whether you would recommend it and why.

Complete all of your work in your homework book. It is due in on Tuesday, 6th January 2009.

A copy is also on our website. If you get stuck you can leave a comment on the website and it may be answered. Probably not on Christmas day though! Remember punctuation and spelling is important on the comments as well.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

On behalf of the Year group, I would like to wish all of the children, colleagues and parents a very Merry Christmas and a happy and peaceful New Year.

The children performed beautifully at the christmas concert on Tuesday. Here is their version of Silent Night.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Homework Y6T1W10 Thinking about the Barrett's

Homework Y6T1W10 Thinking about the Barrett's
This week you have been thinking about the Barrett family and how their lives changed during WW2.

Find out who is the oldest person in your family and ask them to tell you about any wars which they have experienced either directly or indirectly. They may talk about WW2, what they remember their grandparents talking about or what they remember seeing on the TV.

They may remember wars called the Falklands, Vietnam, Desert storm, Gulf war 1 and 2, Afghanistan. There have been lots of others. Try to find out their opinions on the wars. Was it right for the British to fight in them? What could have happened if the British army, Navy and air force didn't take part?

Now think about the Barratt family. What do you think Harold, Lily, Michael or Millie would have felt in September 1939? What do you think they would have felt by the end of the war? Be prepared to discuss it next week.

Extension: World War 1 was the “War to end all wars!”. Yet, within just over 20 years there was another
major war; World War 2. Can you research how many wars there have been since 1945 and where they have occurred?

Be prepared to discuss this on Thursday.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Dear Parents,
If it is anything like last half term , we are heading into another great half term. The focus of this term is World War 2 and in particular the impact that it had on Southampton and especially our catchment area. The children will be taken out around the area looking for evidence of war damage. We aim for the children to gain some understanding of the international events around the time but also how it affected the children and parents at our predecessor school- Aldermoor. If you have any older relatives who experienced WW2 or were evacuated, we would love to have a chat with them.

We welcome Ms Hall and Mrs.Kitcher to the team to support various children through the year group. As last term, Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Rankin will continue to support the children in class with any learning, emotional or behavioural issues that may arise. Mrs. Cornwall will continue to support children who need further support in literacy and numeracy and Mrs. Stickland will teach across the year group on Tuesdays.

Over the page is a break down of what your child will learn this half term. Below are a few other items which may be of interest.

PE Tuesday:
Your child will be in the hall learning how to Jitterbug with Mrs Stickland.
Saints Time
Your child will be learning ball skills outside with a Saints football coach.
Games Thursday
Your child will be outside learning developing further ball skills depending on the weather.

Please remember that during these sessions, jewellery must not be worn. If your child can not take their earrings out, please provide them with a plaster to cover them up. Also if for some medical reason you do not wish your child to participate in the activity, please contact the class teacher. The children are expected to wear the school kit. (Red/ white –T shirts, black shorts/ tracksuit bottoms).

Homework will be set on Friday and be expected in on Tuesday. It will last between one and half to two hours. It will include literacy, maths, science, spellings and multiplication tables. We expect all homework to be completed to the same high standard as their class work. Occasionally, optional work is set to try and challenge your child. Please encourage them to have a go.

Over this term we intend to visit the Imperial War Museum in London (5th December). A letter was sent out with details at the end of last half term. If you didn’t receive a copy, please contact the office

We have a new website address, We have used it for homework, newsletters and important information. Please check it regularly.

If you have any concerns or queries about the trips or anything else, please feel free to contact us.

Yours sincerely,

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Year 6 Homework Y6T1W09 Hexagons


You have learnt this week about a man called Pythagoras.

For the next two weeks homework, your task is to find out about his life, work and how he arrived at the equations that you did and create a fact file about him

Remember the 5Ws +h!You may work on your own or with friends. This needs to be in on 24th November.

Homework Y6T1W09 Angle targets

This activity will help your child to use a protractor to measure and draw angles.
You will need a protractor, a ruler, a pencil, plain paper and a book with between 100 and 150 pages.
· Open the book at random and say the page number, for example seventy-four.
· This is your target angle. Use your ruler to draw two straight lines that meet at an angle that you estimate to be the target angle. Make sure the lines are not too short.

· Measure the angle with your protractor. How close is the angle to the target?
· Record the results in the table, writing the difference between the target angle and the angle you drew.
Target angle 74°
Measured angle 81°
Difference 7°

· Repeat five times.

If you have time, find a book with more pages, and try drawing angles greater than 180°. You can measure the smaller angle where the lines meet, and subtract this from 360° to give you the size of your angle. Record your results on the back of this sheet.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Oh No. It's a cold and wet Saturday. You can't go out and play. All of your homework is done! There is nothing on television, Nothing to do...

Try clicking on this link

It should give you a 3D virtual image of YOUR city.

See you Monday.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Year 6 Homework Y6T1W08 Half term

Year 6 Homework Y6T1W08 Half term
This week you have learnt how to write a poem. These are the stages that you learnt.

Year 6 Process for Writing Our Poem
(1)We decide on our theme. E.g. Autumn or World War 2.
(2)We decide on 3 sub themes about Autumn or World War 2 e.g.
Bonfire Night

(3)Around each sub brainstorm we write vocabulary and phrases.
(4)We make sure that we use:-

(5)We read through the brainstorms and ensure that each word or phrase help to build the picture of them in our heads! - Imagery
(6)We write 4 words with similar ideas or meanings on to strips of paper. Red /orange group has 8 strips, Yellow has 6 strips, blue/ green has 4+ strips.

(7)We order the strips so that the lines begin to make some sort of sense.
(8)Then we number them.
(9)We then ensure that we each line contains at least one onomatopoeia, simile, personification or alliteration and the first line name the theme.
(10) We then write it in the order that we have laid the strips.
(11) We look again at the vocabulary and phrases. For every noun on its own, add an adjective or two. For every verb on its own, add an adverb. (Do not start your lines with “THE”)
(12)Write in best thinking carefully how to improve it e.g. line lengths, spellings, imagery.

Da, da……One fantastic poem!

Now you remember how to create a poem, use these rules and write a poem based on theme “Holiday”.
This will need to be in on Tuesday.

Next term you are learning about World War 2. Try to find out about life at home during the War.

Learn the rest of your tables or try to improve your speed.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Homework 16th October 2008

How many words in a sentence?

This activity will help you to sort data into groups, draw a graph and interpret the results.
You will need a book, plain paper, squared paper, a pencil and a ruler.

Open your book at the beginning of a chapter and count the number of words in the first sentence. Record the number on the plain paper.

Count the number of words in the next sentence and record it. Repeat until you have counted the words in over 50 sentences.

Draw a frequency table and group the data into sentences with 1–4 words, 5–8 words, 9–12 words, and so on. Count how many sentences belong to each category and write the numbers in the table. For example:

Number of words in the sentence
1–4 2
5–8 7
9–12 11
13–16 13
17–20 19
more than 20 7

Draw a pictogram to show the results. Use a ruler to draw the axes and remember your key.

This week you have been learning about pie charts
Number of words in the sentence
1–4 2
5–8 3
9–12 3
13–16 6
17–20 1
more than 20 1

Draw around a round object and divide into 16. Create a pie chart to represent the information above.

Write about what you can tell from your graph. Both groups, if you have time, repeat the activity for a different book. Compare your results.

Learn your tables.
Spellings :- relevant Concentration soldier Difficult Difficulty Character completely Dynasty Decent appearance

Your homework will be due in on Tuesday.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Homework 10th October 2008

Well done to those who tried the algebra work during the week. You really did well. Here is the homework for this week.

Homework Year 6Term1 Week 07 10th November 2008

Lo. To find missing numbers using divisibility tests.
This week you have been finding out quick rules for calculating sums such as
?X?X?= 150 ( ? is a missing number)

You worked out that there were rules called divisibility tests and they could be used to find the missing numbers.

1 Use the divisibility test and decide which multiples these numbers can be divided by. Write in your homework books. You may check afterwards with a calculator. Try to avoid using 1 or itself. Go on challenge yourself!
208, 126, 180, 144, 552, 60

2.You have also learnt about digit sums. Write down the digit sum and answer for each of these numbers. E.g.

256= 2+5+6 =13…… 13=1+3=4 The answer is 4

1. separately,
2. Interestingly,
3. Luckily
4. Wonderfully
5. Expertly
6. Tidily
7. Knowingly
8. Noisily
9. terribly
10. festival

Make sure that you practice your tables so that next week you beat your score massively.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Algebra for 6PB/6AMB

Year 6 have been learning algebra. Pentagons have been set the challenge below. Provide two answer for each formula. (Yes ZWD you can do it !).

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Homework Year 6 Term 1 Week 5 3rd October 2008

Alternative Character Description
L.O. To write a character description using the 'looked like a cross between...' formula.

A man was described as follows:“He looked like a cross between a sleepy-eyed turtle and a wolf wearing joke ears.”
Describe 7 famous people, beginning each description with 'He/She looked like a cross between...' Write 2-3 lines for each description. You could also use similes!

Learn your tables.


Your homework must be in on Wednesday.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

6PB Square Roots challenge

Well done to those who worked on Square roots today with me. What a great group you are! Here is the answer to the challenge that I set you today. Check with a calculator if you want. I did say only go to 2 decimal places (2dp). See you tomorrow!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Homework 19th September 2008 Year 6

Well done on completing last weeks homework. You really tried hard and some of the questions were difficult. We are really pleased.
Lo. To persuade a buyer to purchase my boat.
1.On Tuesday you went to the boat show. As we didn’t bring back a Sunseeker or a yacht, we would like you to imagine that you are a yacht or boat designer / builder and create a poster which will persuade us to buy your boat.

You may want to show us the hull, the luxurious interior., the controls or even all three. It will need to include a description full of persuasive language and labels . You will need a company name and of course the price.

You may design it using the PC if you wish or draw it on plain paper and write the description in your books. Its up to you. There are always pictures of boats on line, in the local newspapers and sailing books (library)

Lo. To calculate Prime numbers.
2 This week we have been discussing Prime numbers . A Prime number is a number that can only be divide by itself and 1. 25 can be divided by 5 so IS NOT a Prime number. 23 can only be divided by 1 and 23 so IT IS a prime number. See your study guide for more help.
Circles—Write down all of the Prime numbers from 2 to 13
Triangles– Write all of the Prime numbers from 11 to 43
Squares—Write down all of the Prime numbers that are less than 61
Pentagons– Write down all of the prime numbers that are less than 100 but more than 50 . What do you notice about the numbers?
Hexagons- Write down all of the prime numbers that are in the 100s. What do you notice?
Extension. How many Prime numbers are there that are less than 1000?

3. Learn your tables

4. Read at least 2 pages.

5. Spellings.
LO. To learn roots, prefixes and suffixes.
If you were part of Mrs Newman, Mrs Ghosh ,Mrs Thomas or Mrs Burns groups last year, choose 5 of the words.

Your homework must be in on Wednesday. Don't forget that you are going to Oasis Academy on Thursday. A copy of this homework is on the school website

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Newsletter 2

Please click below to read Newsletter 2.
Newsletter 2

Monday, September 15, 2008

How we multiply at Fairisle.................

Click on the link below to find out how we multiply at Fairisle Junior School.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Homework 12th September 2008

Homework Year 6 12th September 2008

This week you have been learning how to multiply using either grid, expanded, short or long multiplication. You have been given a sheet with multiplication calculations. Complete them in your homework book . Make sure that your digits are in columns and it is neat. Label each question with the letter. You must show the working out. You may also check with a calculator at the end but only once you have shown your working out!

Spellings. You need to learn these spellings. Remember all of the different ways that you have been taught.
6 melody
7 remember
8 syllable
10. attitude

These are optional

Write a paragraph (s) which contain all of the 10 spellings. You will need to show through your writing that you understand the meaning.

1. strawberries
2. people
3. babies
4. scarves
5. knives
6. watches
7. ladies
8. brushes
9. lorries
10. inches

Just a reminder you need red/ black PE kits for Tuesday. Outdoor games kits are needed for Wednesday (Saint’s Simon) and Games on Thursday.

Your homework needs to be in on Wednesday.

A copy of this has been posted on your website

Friday, September 5, 2008

Homework Year 6 5th September 2008

Homework Year 6 5th September 2008
LO. To revise setting the scene using the five senses, colours, reference to light, details and figurative language.
As clever people, you'll know that a good story needs to include some description.
Task:Read my terrible description of a house…

It was a big house. It has a path to the front door. It smelled bad. It looked untidy. It had a bad smell. The wallpaper was cheap. The carpet was dirty. The furniture was broken. You wouldn't want to live in this house.
Your job is to rewrite it in your draft books, using interesting adjectives and all of our descriptive skills. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you to include the commas and complex sentences! Write 10-12 lines . Underline your connectives.

Don't forget that you have tables to learn. (You know which ones to learn ready for your test on Friday!)

Spellings. You need to learn these spellings. Remember all of the different ways that you have been taught.
6 Forgotten
7 Holiday
8 Important
10. telephone.

These are optional
Write a paragraph (s) which contain all of the 10 spellings. You will need to show through your writing that you understand the meaning.

If you were part of Mrs Newman, Mrs Ghosh ,Mrs Thomas or Mrs Burns groups last year, choose 5 of the words.

Just a reminder you need red/ black PE kits for Tuesday. Outdoor games kits are needed for Wednesday (Saint’s Simon) and Games on Thursday.

Your draft book needs to be in on Monday but your homework need to be completed for Tuesday.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Just a few days to go..........

Question 1.........

How many days has it been raining this holiday?

Question 2..........

Are you looking forward to going back to school on Thursday?

Just in case you have finished your last homework, here is the next piece before you return.

L.O. To revise describing a character's appearance.
In an exam we all feel under pressure. You've only got half-an-hour to write a complete story. Most people rush through the plot, desperate to make sure they get to 'the end' - and they neglect to describe any of the characters. If you are writing a vampire story, then you need to make sure you describe what one of your vampires looks like!

Task: Write a two-three line description of the following characters. Remember to 'zoom in' on interesting details.

Please bring all of your homework in on Thursday so that it can be marked at the weekend. We look forward to seeing you then.
If you are in Shirley or town, it will help you this term if you can get travel brochures or information on St. Lucia.
Feel free to leave a comment. Remember if you sign in anonymously, please just leave your first name.
See you soon.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Optional Homework for the 3rd week of the holiday.

You can't be bored already! There is plenty of of holiday left and the sun may shine again.
Oh well, here is the home work for this week.

Task 4: Revising descriptive techniques
L.O. To revise setting the scene using the five senses, colours, reference to light, details and figurative language.
As clever people, you'll know that a good story needs to include some description. Revise how to do this by clicking here:

Read my terrible description of a house...It was a big house. It has a path to the front door. It smelled bad. It looked untidy. It had a bad smell. The wallpaper was cheap. The carpet was dirty. The furniture was broken. You wouldn't want to live in this house.What a rubbish description!

Your job is to rewrite it, using interesting adjectives and all of our descriptive skills. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you to include the commas and complex sentences. !Write 10-12 lines and then annotate your writing, showing me where you have used the different descriptive skills from

When you have finished put your work neatly into your folder. We cant wait to see it. Have a good week.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Newsletter 22

Click here for Newsletter 22.

Optional homework for the 2nd week.

Planning a story based on a sentence
L.O. To plan a story based on a given sentence.

Next term we are going to be writing stories based on a given sentences. Please read the information here:

Now plan a story using any planning format that you prefer. e.g. story mountain, storyboard, story ladder, hill

Write a story that begins with the line: "Today is going to be the longest day of my life." Which tense is it written in?

Don't forget, if you want to leave a comment, just click on the word "comment" at the bottom of this post. You can sign in as anonymous if you want as long as you leave only your first name.

Have fun!.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Optional Homework for the brand new Year 6.

Hello to the new Year 6.

As promised at the end of year 5, here is some homework to keep your brains ticking over during the break. Keep checking in for futher homework. It is optional but it will help you get ready for next term.

L.O. To gather ideas in a writing journal/diary.
Please read the journal/diary information by clicking HERE.

Task: Click here and have a go at three of the journal/diary tasks.
Record them on A4 . Keep the journal/diary throughout the summer, adding sketches, interesting photos, amusing stories from the newspaper and brainstorms. We would love to put them on display at the beginning of the year. Dont forget to put captions to your photos etc.

Also under this posting, you will see "comments". If you click on it you will be able to leave .......a comment. Please feel free to let us know how you are getting on.
Keep checking in. Enjoy the sun.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Year 6 2007-2008 Leavers Barbeque

Year 6 had their leavers barbeque on Monday. It started at 5.30pm and proved to be a great ending to their four years at Fairisle Junior school. There were plenty of burgers, potatoes, sausages and ketchup. A great evening! Thanks to the Year 6 team for organising it.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Yes! Fairisle does have talent!

Year 6 boys and girls performed in our talent show. It finally proved that Fairisle does have talent! Thanks to Mrs. Mason, Mr.Wallis, Miss Leaves and Miss Baron who organised and spent their breaktimes auditioning and rehearsing with the children.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Images of Ironbridge 23rd June 2008

Photos from our residential at Ironbridge.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Goodbye Mr. Wallis, Mrs. Mason and Miss Leaves

Mr. Wallis. Miss Leaves and Mrs. Mason are leaving us at the end of term. All the pupils and staff wish them well in their new posts.

Mrs Mason will leave at the end of term to move to a school closer to her home in Portsmouth. Mrs. Mason has been at Fairisle Junior for the past three years and has taught our Year 6 children since she returned from her maternity leave this term.

Mr Wallis will be joining the staff at Mansel Park Primary School after the summer holiday. Mr. Wallis has taught here for the past four years and his role has included the Year 6 leader’s role.

Miss Leaves will be moving to a school outside the city. Miss Leaves has taught at Fairisle Junior for 4 years and has taught our oldest children this year.

Good luck for the future.

Goodbye Year 6

With just a few days to go until you leave, the staff would like to wish you all the happiness and success in the world for secondary school and the rest of your lives. You have heard it over and over again, but you can do anything that you want in life as long as you put your mind to it! You have had a great start with us at Fairisle. It's up to you what you do with the rest of it!
Look after yourselves.