Sunday, November 9, 2008

Homework Y6T1W09 Angle targets

This activity will help your child to use a protractor to measure and draw angles.
You will need a protractor, a ruler, a pencil, plain paper and a book with between 100 and 150 pages.
· Open the book at random and say the page number, for example seventy-four.
· This is your target angle. Use your ruler to draw two straight lines that meet at an angle that you estimate to be the target angle. Make sure the lines are not too short.

· Measure the angle with your protractor. How close is the angle to the target?
· Record the results in the table, writing the difference between the target angle and the angle you drew.
Target angle 74°
Measured angle 81°
Difference 7°

· Repeat five times.

If you have time, find a book with more pages, and try drawing angles greater than 180°. You can measure the smaller angle where the lines meet, and subtract this from 360° to give you the size of your angle. Record your results on the back of this sheet.

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