Thursday, July 24, 2008

Optional Homework for the brand new Year 6.

Hello to the new Year 6.

As promised at the end of year 5, here is some homework to keep your brains ticking over during the break. Keep checking in for futher homework. It is optional but it will help you get ready for next term.

L.O. To gather ideas in a writing journal/diary.
Please read the journal/diary information by clicking HERE.

Task: Click here and have a go at three of the journal/diary tasks.
Record them on A4 . Keep the journal/diary throughout the summer, adding sketches, interesting photos, amusing stories from the newspaper and brainstorms. We would love to put them on display at the beginning of the year. Dont forget to put captions to your photos etc.

Also under this posting, you will see "comments". If you click on it you will be able to leave .......a comment. Please feel free to let us know how you are getting on.
Keep checking in. Enjoy the sun.

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