Monday, November 10, 2008


Dear Parents,
If it is anything like last half term , we are heading into another great half term. The focus of this term is World War 2 and in particular the impact that it had on Southampton and especially our catchment area. The children will be taken out around the area looking for evidence of war damage. We aim for the children to gain some understanding of the international events around the time but also how it affected the children and parents at our predecessor school- Aldermoor. If you have any older relatives who experienced WW2 or were evacuated, we would love to have a chat with them.

We welcome Ms Hall and Mrs.Kitcher to the team to support various children through the year group. As last term, Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Rankin will continue to support the children in class with any learning, emotional or behavioural issues that may arise. Mrs. Cornwall will continue to support children who need further support in literacy and numeracy and Mrs. Stickland will teach across the year group on Tuesdays.

Over the page is a break down of what your child will learn this half term. Below are a few other items which may be of interest.

PE Tuesday:
Your child will be in the hall learning how to Jitterbug with Mrs Stickland.
Saints Time
Your child will be learning ball skills outside with a Saints football coach.
Games Thursday
Your child will be outside learning developing further ball skills depending on the weather.

Please remember that during these sessions, jewellery must not be worn. If your child can not take their earrings out, please provide them with a plaster to cover them up. Also if for some medical reason you do not wish your child to participate in the activity, please contact the class teacher. The children are expected to wear the school kit. (Red/ white –T shirts, black shorts/ tracksuit bottoms).

Homework will be set on Friday and be expected in on Tuesday. It will last between one and half to two hours. It will include literacy, maths, science, spellings and multiplication tables. We expect all homework to be completed to the same high standard as their class work. Occasionally, optional work is set to try and challenge your child. Please encourage them to have a go.

Over this term we intend to visit the Imperial War Museum in London (5th December). A letter was sent out with details at the end of last half term. If you didn’t receive a copy, please contact the office

We have a new website address, We have used it for homework, newsletters and important information. Please check it regularly.

If you have any concerns or queries about the trips or anything else, please feel free to contact us.

Yours sincerely,

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