Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Whitney and sophie cake sales

Cakes for Haiti !!!!

6PB at Fairisle junior school have raised money for Haiti in the Caribbean .

By Whitney and Sophie
On the 20th of January 2010, 6PB raised
£105 pounds for Haiti by selling freshly baked cakes to the school during break time. Here is a quote from Fairisle junior schools head teacher
Mr. Howard “I think 6PB have worked really hard selling cakes for Haiti. Thank you very much 6PB.”

The reason they sold the cakes was for Haiti because there was BIG earthquake. IT had destroyed their homes and their belonging and also their towns. They have helped Haiti in many ways and saved most of there lives. All the money they raised Go to Haiti straight away. (Haiti people have been struggling all of their lives, so now is a time to help them.)

The cakes were sold in 15 minuets by They all had a very fun time selling cakes and
raising money for Haiti.

Two girls that helped sell the cakes stated "We had a really fun time selling and raising money,We thought it went really well.”

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