Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cakes for Haiti

In our school our class teacher in 6PB of Fairisle junior school decided to have a cake stall.

us children set up a cake stall to raise money for the people of Haiti to have emergency supplies. Friday, the 16th of January 2010 three of us, Benjamin Dart Emily Grayham and Rudaviro Munetsi started to plan it all. We write a letter to the whole school that they should make some cakes or buy the cakes and when we got all the cakes in on Tuesday the 19th of January 2010 at first it was trouble because we only had a few but we were back on track the day they were meant to be sold which was Wednesday the 20th of January.
There was a terrible happening in Haiti when an earthquake struck the people of Haiti and all they had left was hope because many people had to lay on the streets and just had to be left to die.
We were so proud to have raised £105 plus the money we raised from non school uniform day was about £400 as a whole.
The money is going to be sent be the D.E.C. The D.E.C, who are really helpful, stands for the disaster emergency committee. our teacher Mr.P.Booth says “I’m so proud you have helped many people!”

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