Saturday, January 23, 2010

Year 6 6PB homework 22nd January 2010

In your homework books , show your teacher every thing that you have learnt about area and perimeter this week Hint: rectangles, triangles, compound shapes,

Friday, January 22, 2010

6LT homework

Dear all,Homework this week is about area and perimeter. Draw 4 rectangles and 3 right angled triangles and then work out the area and perimeter of each one.
Remember area of a rectangle is length x width. The perimeter is the length of all the sides added together. Good luck. Mrs Taylor

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Whitney and sophie cake sales

Cakes for Haiti !!!!

6PB at Fairisle junior school have raised money for Haiti in the Caribbean .

By Whitney and Sophie
On the 20th of January 2010, 6PB raised
£105 pounds for Haiti by selling freshly baked cakes to the school during break time. Here is a quote from Fairisle junior schools head teacher
Mr. Howard “I think 6PB have worked really hard selling cakes for Haiti. Thank you very much 6PB.”

The reason they sold the cakes was for Haiti because there was BIG earthquake. IT had destroyed their homes and their belonging and also their towns. They have helped Haiti in many ways and saved most of there lives. All the money they raised Go to Haiti straight away. (Haiti people have been struggling all of their lives, so now is a time to help them.)

The cakes were sold in 15 minuets by They all had a very fun time selling cakes and
raising money for Haiti.

Two girls that helped sell the cakes stated "We had a really fun time selling and raising money,We thought it went really well.”

Tuesday 20th January
Help Haiti
L.O.I can write a recount of the Cakes for Haiti

Year 6 at Fairisle Junior School was thinking about Haiti and all the trouble the earthquake caused. So they decided to ask the school to bring in cakes to raise money. (They were very tasty!) The whole school were told that they had a chose to bring in any amount of money (Reasonable, of course)

What an amazing amount! All the teachers and the children in the school are very proud of Year 6 and in particular 6PB. One of the Year 6`s commented `"Everyone went out stuffed and broke. It was a phenomenal school day for both the 6PB and the school."
Some people brought cakes back into their classroom for their close relatives. Mr Booth was very proud of Year 6`s 6PB hard work.

The amount of money that was raised was £105! The money that 6PB raised is going to go to Haiti from a charity called DEC. £105 is enough to keep more people alive.

6PB are very proud of the phenomenal amount or money they have raised.

Cakes for Haiti

In our school our class teacher in 6PB of Fairisle junior school decided to have a cake stall.

us children set up a cake stall to raise money for the people of Haiti to have emergency supplies. Friday, the 16th of January 2010 three of us, Benjamin Dart Emily Grayham and Rudaviro Munetsi started to plan it all. We write a letter to the whole school that they should make some cakes or buy the cakes and when we got all the cakes in on Tuesday the 19th of January 2010 at first it was trouble because we only had a few but we were back on track the day they were meant to be sold which was Wednesday the 20th of January.
There was a terrible happening in Haiti when an earthquake struck the people of Haiti and all they had left was hope because many people had to lay on the streets and just had to be left to die.
We were so proud to have raised £105 plus the money we raised from non school uniform day was about £400 as a whole.
The money is going to be sent be the D.E.C. The D.E.C, who are really helpful, stands for the disaster emergency committee. our teacher Mr.P.Booth says “I’m so proud you have helped many people!”


On the 20Th January 2010, Fairisle Junior School arranged to help Haiti by organising a cake sale. It was a very successful fifteen minutes and most of the children ran out of cakes.

A letter was sent out to all pupils of Fairisle Junior School asking them to bring in one cake. Everyone was surprised to see how many cakes had been brought in. Haiti, which is an island, unfortunately the people lost many relatives due to a terrible earthquake. Fairisle School decided they would help Haiti and raise money for the poor people.

The cake sale began at 10:15 and ended fifteen minutes later. It was extremely busy and many people bought the delicious cakes that the pupils were selling. One Year six, which is known as 6PB, held the cake sale and the class worked behind the stall in the school hall.

An extraordinary amount of money was raised by the children. All together the amount was an amazing…£105!

Everyone was extremely proud including the staff. £105 will be an amazing contribution to the Haiti residents and will help them tremendously. We just want to say a big thank you to the parents and children that brought in cakes to help Haiti families stay alive! Well Done Fairisle Junior School.


Haiti Disaster

After the earthquake in Haiti, 6PB have decided to raise money by selling cakes. Mr. Booth (their teacher) had been asking year 3, 4 and 5 to bring in cakes for Wednesday the 20th of January 2010. They had tables full of delicious cakes and also some extra. 6PB brought the cakes in the hall at 10 am to sell it to the children.

At the end the cakes were all gone and everyone walked out full. The children had no money left. As they walked out, Year 6 cleaned the hall- ready to put everything away. Fairisle had helped Haiti by raising money for them to buy food, water and tents to live in.

When they have finished, 6PB had raised £150 for Haiti. This amount was more than what they had expected. Mr. Booth was really proud of them.


6PB Selling Cakes

By Denise
On 12th January 2010,6PB ran a cake stall at Fairisle Junior school, in the hall to raise money for children and adults who have been hurt in the Haiti earthquake.

The children decided that they wanted to raise money to help the children and adults to survive, to eat and to have a home. On 20th of January, the children decided to sell the cakes . Days before, the children asked the whole school to bring quite a few cakes in to the class of 6PB. In the morning, the children had loads of cakes which were placed on the tables. Then 6PB placed tables in the hall and waited for the children to arrive.

The cakes were sold for 10p or 20p and fifteen minutes later all the cakes had gone and the children had made £105 .

Mrs Cookson, the school secretary , took the money took to the bank and paid it to the Disaster Emergency Committee. The money travels all the way to Haiti to help them.

Haiti Help

Tuesday 20th January
Help Haiti
L.O.I can write a recount of the Cakes for Haiti

Year 6 Fairsile Junior School was thinking about Haiti and all the trouble the earthquake caused. So they decided to ask the school to bring in cakes to raise money. (They were very tasty!) The whole school were told that they had a chose to bring in any amount of money (Reasonable, of course)

What an amazing amount. All the teachers and the children in the school are very proud of year 6 6PB. One of the year 6`s commented `Everyone went out stuffed and broke. It was a phenomenal school day for both the year 6 6PB and the school. "Some people brought cakes back into their classroom for their close relatives. Mr Booth was very proud of Year 6`s 6PB hard work.

The amount of money that was raised was£105! The money that year 6 6PB raised is going to go to Haiti from a charity called DEC. £105 is enough to keep more people alive. Year 6 6PB hope that Haiti are very proud and thankful. Year 6 6PB are very proud of the phenomenal amount or money they have raised.

Haiti Donation

20 January 2010
LO:I can write a recount of the cakes for Haiti

On Wednesday 20 January 2010, Fairisle School have a cake sale for Haiti. We had this cakes sale for the Haiti earthquake. On Tuesday 12 January 2010 Haiti had a Earthquake and all their homes, businesses, families, cars , Hospitals and even more were destroyed.
We had this cake sale in the hall and children came storming in as fast as a bullet. They were happy eating all of the cakes with fun and laughter.
We raised for Haiti over £105 to give to the people who are suffering , Mr Booth (6PB’s teacher) commented “The stalls were a huge success and he was very proud of 6PB.”
Class 6PB thought of having this cake sale for Haiti. (It was a huge success) over 30 cakes were brought in. The reason we had this cake sale - we could make loads of money for Haiti in there rough times. All years brought in cakes and they were all sold and a lot of money was donated.

Luckily the earthquake in Haiti didn't destroy their airport totally so we can fly in supplies through the air. The U.S of A is leading the work because they are the biggest country .

6PB’s fun raising events for Haiti earthquake

Eleven days ago, a shocking event had took place in the small island of Haiti. An earthquake has left 200,000 orphans and thousands of parents dead. The main roads have been destroyed so they must get food through sea. Survivors are being pulled out of rocks and earth.

A cake sale took place in Fairisle Junior School Southampton on the 20th of January 2010. 6PB sold cakes that for 5p, 10p, 15p, 20p cakes. The only way to get food onto the island is by boat. We did this because we wanted to help and give money. People made and brought cakes in and the next day we sold them and made a total of £105.

Fairisle Junior raised an amazing amount of £105 just by selling cakes. “We are very proud of the amount of money we raised for Haiti” said the teacher of 6PB. “We can’t believe what happened in Haiti” said the people of Southampton, it was a very sad thing to happen.

This will help the people in Haiti by giving them supplies like tents, water and other things to keep them alive. This will keep them alive for a couple of days and we hope that other people will join the charity to help save many lives.

Thank you for helping with are cake stalls this will save lifes hopfully many people will get healthy or be well again maybe the money [£150] may get them things for the hospital.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

School will be closed on Friday, 8th January 2010.

School will be closed on Friday, 8th January 2010. Please listen to local radio (Radio Solent 96.1FM or Hampshire Radio for further information.**(Last Update 17:42 7/1/10)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

School will be closed Thursday, 7th January 2010. Please listen to local radio (Radio Solent 96.1FM or Hampshire Radio for further information.**(Last

School will be closed Thursday, 7th January 2010. Please listen to local radio (Radio Solent 96.1FM or Hampshire Radio for further information.**(Last Update 18:21 6/1/09)

........oh yes, Snow and homework. You know you want some!

We will be revising poetry this term. Go on line and find a poem about winter/ snow etc. Read through it.

Write/ type your own poem and ideally illustrate it using photos of you in the snow or scenes from your area of the snow.Go outside, think of similes and metaphors and add them to your poem. Use Publisher or Word. We can print it at school.

Bring it in when you come back.

Many of you have special tasks to do with reading. They are important.

..........and don't forget the Christmas homework!
...................oh yes, there is spellings to learn on this website.
Keep yourself safe and warm
Mr Booth and Mrs Taylor

**************School will be closed 6th January 2010. Please listen to local radio (Radio Solent 96.1 for further information.***************** (7.55a

**************School will be closed 6th January 2010. Please listen to local radio (Radio Solent 96.1 for further information.***************** (7.55am)