Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Little Canada day 1

Despite all our worries about traffic bedlam, we all managed to get to the terminal on time, and the ferry left at about the expected time.
However, it did leave minus one teacher and his car as there was no room aboard, and we did have to wait in the Solent for about 15 minutes before docking in Cowes as the previous ferry was still loading cars and festival goers.
Once at the site everyone quickly settled into their cabins and we were all fairly happy with the accommodation- except for the odd spider or two who had to be evicted from bathrooms!
The afternoon was spent exploring and finding out where our various activities were going to take place. The BBC let us down and their forecast of sunshine was replaced by a reality of drizzle for a couple of hours but no one got too wet!
A very welcome dinner of lasagne or fish fingers was followed by a rather loud evening of 'Wacky Races' in the sports hall- the shoe race and the ballon race both proved rather popular.
Hopefully all the activity will give the children plenty of exercise and they will settle down for their first night's sleep without too many problems! (here's hoping!)

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