Friday, October 24, 2008

Year 6 Homework Y6T1W08 Half term

Year 6 Homework Y6T1W08 Half term
This week you have learnt how to write a poem. These are the stages that you learnt.

Year 6 Process for Writing Our Poem
(1)We decide on our theme. E.g. Autumn or World War 2.
(2)We decide on 3 sub themes about Autumn or World War 2 e.g.
Bonfire Night

(3)Around each sub brainstorm we write vocabulary and phrases.
(4)We make sure that we use:-

(5)We read through the brainstorms and ensure that each word or phrase help to build the picture of them in our heads! - Imagery
(6)We write 4 words with similar ideas or meanings on to strips of paper. Red /orange group has 8 strips, Yellow has 6 strips, blue/ green has 4+ strips.

(7)We order the strips so that the lines begin to make some sort of sense.
(8)Then we number them.
(9)We then ensure that we each line contains at least one onomatopoeia, simile, personification or alliteration and the first line name the theme.
(10) We then write it in the order that we have laid the strips.
(11) We look again at the vocabulary and phrases. For every noun on its own, add an adjective or two. For every verb on its own, add an adverb. (Do not start your lines with “THE”)
(12)Write in best thinking carefully how to improve it e.g. line lengths, spellings, imagery.

Da, da……One fantastic poem!

Now you remember how to create a poem, use these rules and write a poem based on theme “Holiday”.
This will need to be in on Tuesday.

Next term you are learning about World War 2. Try to find out about life at home during the War.

Learn the rest of your tables or try to improve your speed.


Anonymous said...

Enjoy the half term break!
Mr. Howard

Anonymous said...

You to Mr Howard

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr Howard and Mr Booth have a nice half term