Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Newsletter 22

Click here for Newsletter 22.

Optional homework for the 2nd week.

Planning a story based on a sentence
L.O. To plan a story based on a given sentence.

Next term we are going to be writing stories based on a given sentences. Please read the information here:

Now plan a story using any planning format that you prefer. e.g. story mountain, storyboard, story ladder, hill

Write a story that begins with the line: "Today is going to be the longest day of my life." Which tense is it written in?

Don't forget, if you want to leave a comment, just click on the word "comment" at the bottom of this post. You can sign in as anonymous if you want as long as you leave only your first name.

Have fun!.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Optional Homework for the brand new Year 6.

Hello to the new Year 6.

As promised at the end of year 5, here is some homework to keep your brains ticking over during the break. Keep checking in for futher homework. It is optional but it will help you get ready for next term.

L.O. To gather ideas in a writing journal/diary.
Please read the journal/diary information by clicking HERE.

Task: Click here and have a go at three of the journal/diary tasks.
Record them on A4 . Keep the journal/diary throughout the summer, adding sketches, interesting photos, amusing stories from the newspaper and brainstorms. We would love to put them on display at the beginning of the year. Dont forget to put captions to your photos etc.

Also under this posting, you will see "comments". If you click on it you will be able to leave .......a comment. Please feel free to let us know how you are getting on.
Keep checking in. Enjoy the sun.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Year 6 2007-2008 Leavers Barbeque

Year 6 had their leavers barbeque on Monday. It started at 5.30pm and proved to be a great ending to their four years at Fairisle Junior school. There were plenty of burgers, potatoes, sausages and ketchup. A great evening! Thanks to the Year 6 team for organising it.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Yes! Fairisle does have talent!

Year 6 boys and girls performed in our talent show. It finally proved that Fairisle does have talent! Thanks to Mrs. Mason, Mr.Wallis, Miss Leaves and Miss Baron who organised and spent their breaktimes auditioning and rehearsing with the children.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Images of Ironbridge 23rd June 2008

Photos from our residential at Ironbridge.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Goodbye Mr. Wallis, Mrs. Mason and Miss Leaves

Mr. Wallis. Miss Leaves and Mrs. Mason are leaving us at the end of term. All the pupils and staff wish them well in their new posts.

Mrs Mason will leave at the end of term to move to a school closer to her home in Portsmouth. Mrs. Mason has been at Fairisle Junior for the past three years and has taught our Year 6 children since she returned from her maternity leave this term.

Mr Wallis will be joining the staff at Mansel Park Primary School after the summer holiday. Mr. Wallis has taught here for the past four years and his role has included the Year 6 leader’s role.

Miss Leaves will be moving to a school outside the city. Miss Leaves has taught at Fairisle Junior for 4 years and has taught our oldest children this year.

Good luck for the future.

Goodbye Year 6

With just a few days to go until you leave, the staff would like to wish you all the happiness and success in the world for secondary school and the rest of your lives. You have heard it over and over again, but you can do anything that you want in life as long as you put your mind to it! You have had a great start with us at Fairisle. It's up to you what you do with the rest of it!
Look after yourselves.