Thursday, July 22, 2010

So that's it!

You had a great day yesterday celebrating your memories and achievements over the last four years. We know that you had fun and even learnt a little. Your party last night was great Well done. You are all really nice people. Mrs Taylor and I hope that you keep in touch and remember what we said...........You can do anything you want . You can make a difference to your lives and to others around you. Aim high-you won't be disappointed Goodbye and good luck.
Mr Booth and Mrs Taylor.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

6PB! What an amazing year! You have worked so hard and tried your best and its paid off. Well done.
Here are the photos as promised.

Well done 6PB

6PB! What an amazing year! You have worked so hard and tried your best and it's paid off. Well done.
Here are the photos as promised. Good luck at your new secondary schools today.