Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Back to Southampton Boat show....The missing video

Here are the children enjoying the diving at the boat show.

Friday, March 19, 2010

IOW day 4-Thursday

Another great day. The children climbed , abseiled, swam in the heated pool and went on the giant swing. Even though it started to rain in the evening, they all enjoyed the disco.

More photos have been uploaded to the "

Just a reminder that the children should arrive back at Southampton docks at 2.25pm. See you there.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 3- Wednesday

When you overhear two girls, KS and HM discussing the matrix and one says to the other "Matrix was absolutely awesome", you know the week is going well. (Don't try to find out about the Matrix activity though , they seem to have have taken an oath of silence.)The children have climbed 20 metre walls, abseiled down 40 metre towers, learnt to fence, climbed up telegraph poles and jumped on to a trapeze and then STILL had enough energy to play racing games in the evening.
Mr Howard joined us in the afternoon and was worn out just watching them. Still, the last cabin did get to sleep by midnight!!!!

More photos have been uploaded to the "

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Year 6 Residential -Tuesday

Two children, W.W and H.M were overheard saying "This is the best thing that I've ever done!" and speaking after abseiling "That was truly amazing!" This reflects how today has gone.

Although it was a very cold night the children woke early. Some earlier than others! :)

Through out the day the children have been abseiling down towers, standing on top of telegraph poles and throwing them selves on to a trapeze, driven quad bikes around a race track and played aeroball, essentially basket ball played on a trampoline. On top of all that they have squeezed in a session on the dragon boats on Wootton Creek and still found time for either chatting or football. More photos have been uploaded to the "

Monday, March 15, 2010

Year 6 Residential Monday

We made it! A perfect sailing across to Cowes. The bus met us at the terminal and took us to Little Canada. The children were shown around the site and then they had to sort out their cabins. All of the children seemed pleased with whom they are sharing with.

They explored or played football until tea time and tucked in to lasagna, stir fry or salad.

Once tea was finished, they got themselves ready for the evening orientation activity. Torch lights are in full use as I type! Some of the boys have already lost their keys and others have stank the cabins out with deodorant! All seem very happy.

Some photos have been uploaded to the "

Weather forecast for the IOW residential

The BBC are saying that there is a strong possibility of poor weather on Thursday. Please ensure that your child is prepared. See you all at 12.45pm