Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Spellings for this term 2

Here are your spellings for this term. These are words that you should know. Most have the same prefix or suffix. YOU NEED TO LEARN ALL OF THEM. Use a dictionary to find out their meaning.

Spellings Y6T2W01
1 since
2 until
3 whereas
4 besides
5 nevertheless
6 furthermore
7 moreover
8 consequently
9 nonetheless
10 conversely
11 notwithstanding
12 hence
13 similarly
14 eventually
15 incidentally
16 whenever
17 whatever
18 although
19 meanwhile
20 particularly

Spellings Y6T2W02
1 then
2 after
3 yet
4 with
5 when
6 while
7 because
8 however
9 therefore
10 whenever
11 whatever
12 although
13 meanwhile
14 henceforward
15 whoever
16 alternatively
17 before
18 next
19 secondly
20 particularly

Spellings Y6T2W03
1 monotone
2 monopoly
3 monologue
4 monosyllable
5 monorail
6 monocle
7 unicycle
8 unique
9 uniform
10 unicorn
11 union
12 duplicate
13 duo
14 duet
15 biceps
16 bifocal
17 biplane
18 bicentenary
19 biped
20 biography

Spelling Y6T2W04
1 tripod
2 triplets
3 tricycle
4 triangle
5 triangular
6 trident
7 trio
8 triceps
9 triple
10 triennial
11 triplicate
12 quartet
13 quadruped
14 quarter
15 quadruple
16 quadrant
17 quadrilateral
18 quadruplet
19 quadrille
20 quarter

Spelling Y6T2W05
1 quintet
2 quintuple
3 quintuplet
4 pentagon
5 pentacle
6 pentathlon
7 sextuplet
8 sextet
9 hexagon
10 heptagon
11 septuagenarian
12 September
13 octagon
14 octogenarian
15 October
16 octet
17 octopus
18 octave
19 nonagon
20 nonagenarian

Spelling Y6T2W06
1 decimal
2 decathlon
3 decade
4 decagon
5 Decalogue
6 December
7 decapods
8 decimate
9 decimetre
10 century
11 centimetre
12 centenarian
13 centenary
14 centennial
15 centigrade
16 centipede
17 centurion
18 decennial
19 percent
20 percentage

Spelling Y6T2W07
1 confess
2 confession
3 condemn
4 condemnation
5 contents
6 concave
7 convex
8 conversation
9 convert
10 contravene
11 continue
12 contour
13 contaminate
14 consume
15 container
16 contestant
17 conference
18 controlling
19 context
20 conduct

Spelling Y6T2W08
1 consent
2 continent
3 continental
4 condition
5 conclusion
6 connection
7 contempt
8 consultation
9 consonant
10 constabulary
11 construct
12 construction
13 considerable
14 consequence
15 consolation
16 consistent
17 consider
18 concert
19 concertina
20 contract

Spelling Y6T2W09
1 graph
2 photograph
3 grapheme
4 graphic
5 autograph
6 telegraph
7 aquarium
8 aquaplane
9 aqualung
10 aquamarine
11 aquatic
12 Aquarius
13 hydrofoil
14 hydroelectric
15 hydraulic
16 hydrogen
17 hydrophobia
18 dehydrate
19 hydrant
20 photography

Spelling Y6T2W10
1 transport
2 transfer
3 transplant
4 transaction
5 transatlantic
6 transcript
7 translucent
8 transparent
9 transmit
10 transpose
11 translate
12 transfix
13 aeroplane
14 aerodrome
15 aerate
16 aerial
17 aerobatics
18 aerodynamic
19 aeronaut
20 aeronautical

Spelling Y6T2W11
1 audit
2 auditor
3 audible
4 audience
5 audition
6 audiovisual
7 auditory
8 auditorium
9 photogenic
10 photographic
11 photocopier
12 telephoto
13 photophobia
14 arachnophobia
15 claustrophobia
16 xenophobia
17 hydrophobia
18 agoraphobia
19 monophobia
20 polyphobia

Spelling Y6T2W12
1 subject
2 subdue
3 subside
4 submarine
5 subway
6 submerge
7 submit
8 subterfuge
9 subtle
10 subtract
11 subvert
12 subdued
13 subconscious
14 submerse
15 subcontinent
16 subcontractor
17 subheading
18 subtropical
19 subscribe
20 subsoil

Spelling Y6T2W13
1 microscopic
2 microphone
3 microcosm
4 microscope
5 microfilm
6 microbe
7 micro-organism
8 superb
9 supernatural
10 supersonic
11 supermarket
12 superlative
13 superimpose
14 superhuman
15 superficial
16 superfluous
17 superior
18 supercharger
19 superscribe
20 superman

Spellings Y6T2W14
1 porter
2 portal
3 portable
4 portfolio
5 transport
6 transport
7 import
8 portcullis
9 portend
10 microscope
11 telescope
12 horoscope
13 gyroscope
14 stethoscope
15 periscope
16 scribble
17 inscribe
18 transcribe
19 scribe
20 ascribe

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Happy Christmas to all of Year 6

Have a great holiday and Mrs Taylor and I hope that Santa brings you everything that you want.
Don't forget that you do have homework so after you have played with your toys why not get down to it.

Homework 1 Read you book to the end. Write about it in 100-130 words.
Homework 2 Find a vehicle that interests you . It must have been made since 1948! Draw it and paste your picture in your homework book.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Spellings Y6T1W13

Please learn these spellings.

Spellings Y6T1W13