Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hmmm! Some interesting questions.

We have been discussing some interesting questions today:-

1. Can you use a Mobile phone on the Moon? ZWD wants to find out.

2. Why is there is there 60 seconds or minutes and not 24 like in a day?BH want to find out. We'll see how they get on.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Homework 6th March 2009

Letter of Complaint.

Click on this link http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2289396.ece

This is a news article from this weeks newspapers. Your homework is to write a letter of complaint to the Director General of The BBC Mark Thompson. You are to imagine that you are one of the volunteers complaining about the BBC dumping their props in your pond.

Extension. Write the reply letter from the BBC apologising for their mistakes (30 years ago) and say how they will rectify it.

This needs to be in on Thursday.
Learn your spellings.