Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hey, I didnt have squared paper........

If you didn't have squared paper for Fridays homework, its is not the end of the world. Don't worry. Find some plain paper and calculate you maths on there.

You will need you results for Tuesday's maths lesson.
See you all tomorrow.
Mr Booth

Friday, January 16, 2009


1.This week we would like you to investigate your kitchen cupboard.

What is the average weight of the foodstuffs in your cupboard?

Don't forget that you will need to include mean, mode and median.
Mean—add up all of the numbers and then divide by the number of items.
Mode– the most common amount.
Median All of the weights written in order and the middle one is chosen.

What is the range?

On the squared paper provided. Record the item, weight of each item and then calculate the averages.
Who has the highest/ lowest mean , mode, median in the class? What is the range? What is the range of tins?

2.Look at your revision guides. Remind yourself about the criteria for non chronological writing Report.
n your guides back by next Friday.

Friday, January 9, 2009

spellings Y6T2W01

Spellings for week 1


Green/Blue group


Curriculum Bulletin January 2009

At Fairisle Juniors, we would like to provide you with as much information about your child’s education as possible. Every half term, we will send you details of the curriculum your child will be following. In Year 6, the children will be taught the following subjects this half term:

Your child will be taught further skills for writing non fiction and fiction texts. They will study a module of play scripts, narrative, poetry as well as report writing, recounts, instructional texts and explanations. They will also be taught higher order skills of passive and active sentences, punctuation and complex sentence structure.
This half term our focus is to reinforce their mathematical ability, particularly in the
addition, subtraction, division and multiplication of decimals. We expect our children to be able to use these methods to solve real life word problems. We also aim to ensure that they can complete all of their tables and consequently their division facts within eight minutes.
We will be concentrating on experimenting with light and electricity. The children will learn how to reflect light and how light enables us to see. As part of the electricity work, the children will be creating circuits and explaining why some circuits do not work. This will involve lots of hands on practical experiments.
Information Technology:
This half term your child will use the skills developed since Year 3 to produce a booklet based upon the topic Britain since 1948. They will use electronic resources to focus on an aspect of the last 60 years which may interest them.
This links to the ICT and develops the children’s skills in enquiry and analysing historical information. It follows on from the World War 2 topic and will focus particularly on aspects of how life in the UK has changed since 1948.
Music will be taught by the Southampton Music Service and will focus on teaching
electronic music, mixing and layering!
Physical Education:
Over the half term your child will continue to develop ball skills with our regular Saints coach and our indoor unit this half term is gymnastics. Please ensure your child has a plain red T-shirt and black shorts for indoor gym every day as we will take every opportunity to use the hall whenever possible.

Obviously, these are only broad headings. The teachers have detailed plans for each of the above subjects. Should you wish to see them, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.
Saints Wednesday,
Homework: Given out Friday and expected in on Tuesday.
Thank you very much for your support.
Spring (1) 2009
Please look at our website:

Year 6 Letter January 2009

Happy New Year to you all.
Dear Parents,

The new term has started with vigour. We are expecting a great term where your child continues not only to learn but becomes fully prepared for the SATs testing in May and their new secondary school in September.

Over the page is a break down of what your child will learn this half term. Below are a few other items which may be of interest.

Saints Time
Your child will continue developing their ball skills outside with the Saints football coach every Wednesday. Please ensure, particularly during this cold snap, that your child has suitable clothing for outdoors. They will enjoy the sports more as long as they can stay warm.

Please also remember that during these sessions, jewellery must not be worn. If your child can not take their earrings out, please provide them with a plaster to cover them up. If for some medical reason you do not wish your child to participate in the activity, please contact the class teacher. The children are expected to wear the school kit. (Red/ white –T shirts, black shorts/ tracksuit bottoms).

Make up, including nail varnish, is not acceptable at Fairisle Junior School at any time.

Homework will be set on Friday and be expected in on Tuesday. It will last between one and a half to two hours. It will include literacy, maths, science, spellings and multiplication tables. We expect all homework to be completed to the same high standard as their class work. It is often used to help teach points in lessons so please encourage you child to bring it on time. Occasionally, optional work is set to try and challenge your child.

We endeavour to paste the homework on to the year group website. Most children seem to have access to the Internet via their own, their parents, friends or computers at Lordshill/Shirley/Town libraries so if your child is away on Friday, please support them by clicking on our site and looking at the homework.

We regularly use our website ( ) for homework, newsletters, extension activities and important information. Recently we have also pasted links which may interest the children (or yourselves) and we will certainly be pasting sites which will help your child in the lead up to the SATs testing. Please check it regularly.

Over the last few years, children’s understanding of ICT has often surpassed that of their parents. Probably for the first time in man kind’s history, 10 year olds now know more than their parents about something. (whereas we just thought we didJ)

At Fairisle, we understand that this can be very frustrating as parent so if you have ANY questions regarding what your child is doing in school in ICT/Internet or you have concerns about what they are doing on their PC/ Internet outside of school, please feel free to contact us. We obviously have no jurisdiction outside of school hours but we can advise you how to deal with the issues or where you can get further advice.

If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Homework Y6T2W01 9th January 2009

Homework Y6T2W01 9th January 2009


1.Watch an adult cook a meal this weekend. As they create the meal, write the instructions on how to make that meal yourself in draft.

Remember the criteria that we have discussed all week for instructional text.

2. Afterwards describe your meal to someone who has never ever tasted your mum’s/ dad ‘s cooking. Think of the descriptive language that we discussed this week.

3.Draw and label diagram of the meal.

Extension– ask your parents can you follow a simple recipe to make a cake / cook something. This will help you understand instructional text even more.