Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Spellings for this term 2

Here are your spellings for this term. These are words that you should know. Most have the same prefix or suffix. YOU NEED TO LEARN ALL OF THEM. Use a dictionary to find out their meaning.

Spellings Y6T2W01
1 since
2 until
3 whereas
4 besides
5 nevertheless
6 furthermore
7 moreover
8 consequently
9 nonetheless
10 conversely
11 notwithstanding
12 hence
13 similarly
14 eventually
15 incidentally
16 whenever
17 whatever
18 although
19 meanwhile
20 particularly

Spellings Y6T2W02
1 then
2 after
3 yet
4 with
5 when
6 while
7 because
8 however
9 therefore
10 whenever
11 whatever
12 although
13 meanwhile
14 henceforward
15 whoever
16 alternatively
17 before
18 next
19 secondly
20 particularly

Spellings Y6T2W03
1 monotone
2 monopoly
3 monologue
4 monosyllable
5 monorail
6 monocle
7 unicycle
8 unique
9 uniform
10 unicorn
11 union
12 duplicate
13 duo
14 duet
15 biceps
16 bifocal
17 biplane
18 bicentenary
19 biped
20 biography

Spelling Y6T2W04
1 tripod
2 triplets
3 tricycle
4 triangle
5 triangular
6 trident
7 trio
8 triceps
9 triple
10 triennial
11 triplicate
12 quartet
13 quadruped
14 quarter
15 quadruple
16 quadrant
17 quadrilateral
18 quadruplet
19 quadrille
20 quarter

Spelling Y6T2W05
1 quintet
2 quintuple
3 quintuplet
4 pentagon
5 pentacle
6 pentathlon
7 sextuplet
8 sextet
9 hexagon
10 heptagon
11 septuagenarian
12 September
13 octagon
14 octogenarian
15 October
16 octet
17 octopus
18 octave
19 nonagon
20 nonagenarian

Spelling Y6T2W06
1 decimal
2 decathlon
3 decade
4 decagon
5 Decalogue
6 December
7 decapods
8 decimate
9 decimetre
10 century
11 centimetre
12 centenarian
13 centenary
14 centennial
15 centigrade
16 centipede
17 centurion
18 decennial
19 percent
20 percentage

Spelling Y6T2W07
1 confess
2 confession
3 condemn
4 condemnation
5 contents
6 concave
7 convex
8 conversation
9 convert
10 contravene
11 continue
12 contour
13 contaminate
14 consume
15 container
16 contestant
17 conference
18 controlling
19 context
20 conduct

Spelling Y6T2W08
1 consent
2 continent
3 continental
4 condition
5 conclusion
6 connection
7 contempt
8 consultation
9 consonant
10 constabulary
11 construct
12 construction
13 considerable
14 consequence
15 consolation
16 consistent
17 consider
18 concert
19 concertina
20 contract

Spelling Y6T2W09
1 graph
2 photograph
3 grapheme
4 graphic
5 autograph
6 telegraph
7 aquarium
8 aquaplane
9 aqualung
10 aquamarine
11 aquatic
12 Aquarius
13 hydrofoil
14 hydroelectric
15 hydraulic
16 hydrogen
17 hydrophobia
18 dehydrate
19 hydrant
20 photography

Spelling Y6T2W10
1 transport
2 transfer
3 transplant
4 transaction
5 transatlantic
6 transcript
7 translucent
8 transparent
9 transmit
10 transpose
11 translate
12 transfix
13 aeroplane
14 aerodrome
15 aerate
16 aerial
17 aerobatics
18 aerodynamic
19 aeronaut
20 aeronautical

Spelling Y6T2W11
1 audit
2 auditor
3 audible
4 audience
5 audition
6 audiovisual
7 auditory
8 auditorium
9 photogenic
10 photographic
11 photocopier
12 telephoto
13 photophobia
14 arachnophobia
15 claustrophobia
16 xenophobia
17 hydrophobia
18 agoraphobia
19 monophobia
20 polyphobia

Spelling Y6T2W12
1 subject
2 subdue
3 subside
4 submarine
5 subway
6 submerge
7 submit
8 subterfuge
9 subtle
10 subtract
11 subvert
12 subdued
13 subconscious
14 submerse
15 subcontinent
16 subcontractor
17 subheading
18 subtropical
19 subscribe
20 subsoil

Spelling Y6T2W13
1 microscopic
2 microphone
3 microcosm
4 microscope
5 microfilm
6 microbe
7 micro-organism
8 superb
9 supernatural
10 supersonic
11 supermarket
12 superlative
13 superimpose
14 superhuman
15 superficial
16 superfluous
17 superior
18 supercharger
19 superscribe
20 superman

Spellings Y6T2W14
1 porter
2 portal
3 portable
4 portfolio
5 transport
6 transport
7 import
8 portcullis
9 portend
10 microscope
11 telescope
12 horoscope
13 gyroscope
14 stethoscope
15 periscope
16 scribble
17 inscribe
18 transcribe
19 scribe
20 ascribe

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Happy Christmas to all of Year 6

Have a great holiday and Mrs Taylor and I hope that Santa brings you everything that you want.
Don't forget that you do have homework so after you have played with your toys why not get down to it.

Homework 1 Read you book to the end. Write about it in 100-130 words.
Homework 2 Find a vehicle that interests you . It must have been made since 1948! Draw it and paste your picture in your homework book.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Spellings Y6T1W13

Please learn these spellings.

Spellings Y6T1W13

Saturday, November 28, 2009

D-Day Museum Visit 26th November 2009

Year 6 have been to D-Day museum in Southsea. Click on this link to see the photos of the day

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Spellings Y6T1W10

Spellings for this week.. You might need them for your literacy this week!

Spellings Y6T1W10

Friday, November 6, 2009

Homework Y6T1W10 (13th November)

Write a diary for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Include all of the features of a diary and punctuation

Homework Y6T1W09 (6th November)

Brainstorm evertything you know and imagine about Willie and Tom from Goodnight Mr Tom,

Spellings for Y6T1W09 (6th Novemeber)

Spellings Y6T1W09


Friday, October 23, 2009

Spellings for week 7

Spellings Homework Y6T1W07


Friday, October 16, 2009

Home 16th October 2009

Y6 Spellings Y6T1W06

As part of Black History month, in your homework books, find out everything you can about Barack Obama

Friday, October 9, 2009

Homework 9th October 2009

We've been creating websites!

Year 6 have been creating a website. This is how they did it

Log into the Internet.
1. Type www.wix.com in the address bar.
2. Click on the CREATE tab at the top.
3. Click on BLANK Template.
4. Make up an email address with “@” symbol in it. (write it down)
5. Type in a password (remember it)

You should be able to get on to a blank web page. Let your imagination run wild.

Remember though:-
(1)A website should NEVER cause ANYONE any offence ANY WHERE in the world
(2) Keep yourself safe. NEVER give personal information about you, friends or family away on your site without asking first.

1. When you have created your webpage, click PUBLISH
2. Publish to the WIX site
3. Click True Size
4. Record the URL ( web address) . This is your website address and can be copied into MSN, Facebook etc for friends to see.
5. Once it is PUBLISHED, remember to LOG OFF from the site.
6. Show your parents your work

If you want to edit your work.
Click on LOG IN on the website.
Type in the email address and password.

If you are pleased with your results, click on COMMENTS at the bottom of this blog and leave a comment and your web address. Your teachers would love to see what you have created.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Homework 18th September 2009

Here is this weeks homework.

6PB have been discussing Krokan Ice Cream which is mentioned in Boy by Roald Dahl. Some of the children are going to make it over the week end. Here is the linkLet your teacher know what it's like.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Year 6 are off to the Boat Show

Here are the letters and forms needed for the boat show

Friday, September 11, 2009

Welcome back Year 6. Here is this week 01 homework.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Year 6 are leaving

...............So that's it folks . We had laughs, we've had tears (and not just from the staff :). You have learnt loads and are now ready to move on to your new schools.

Over the last few days you took part in your leavers assembly, barbeque and Milllbrook bowl visit. Click on the link below to help your memories. Good luck to you all.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Animation in Year 6

Year 6 have been learning how to animate stickmen. Well done Keisha, Kane and Ben

Friday, May 1, 2009

Stickman animation

Year 6 have been learning about layering using Sumopaint. They are going to start learning how to animate stickman.

Here is the link. Save the program to your computer and run.

When you save your work. Save it as a Gif file and reduce the speed to 10ths of a second.
We will start using next week.

Click here (It's free!)
www.snapfiles.com/get/stickfigure.html and if you get stuck here are some examples
Have fun!

Friday, April 24, 2009


Year 6 have been using a great little art package. They have been learning to paint, cut, paste and crop using SUMOPAINT. Click here to use the program.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Into Infinity and Beyond.............

Great work today Year 6. I feel that we have finally cracked the Earth and Space topic. During the Plenary of 6PBs lesson, I showed you a FREE planetarium program.

Check with who ever owns the computer and then download the program from:-

Remember to set the home to London so that you can see where the stars are tonight.

Let me know how you get on.
Mr Booth

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A great Year Group saying good bye to Ben G.

The motley crew (Actually a great year group!)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hmmm! Some interesting questions.

We have been discussing some interesting questions today:-

1. Can you use a Mobile phone on the Moon? ZWD wants to find out.

2. Why is there is there 60 seconds or minutes and not 24 like in a day?BH want to find out. We'll see how they get on.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Homework 6th March 2009

Letter of Complaint.

Click on this link http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2289396.ece

This is a news article from this weeks newspapers. Your homework is to write a letter of complaint to the Director General of The BBC Mark Thompson. You are to imagine that you are one of the volunteers complaining about the BBC dumping their props in your pond.

Extension. Write the reply letter from the BBC apologising for their mistakes (30 years ago) and say how they will rectify it.

This needs to be in on Thursday.
Learn your spellings.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Homework thought.

Don't forget there is no school for you on Monday. Try to complete your homework as fully as possible but, as we discussed, there are some questions that you are not expected to do.

Your homework needs to be in Tuesday.

Mr Booth

Friday, February 13, 2009

Homework 12th February 2009

Your homework is to read the playscripts based upon Wind in the Willows and answer the questions on the paper provided.

There are several questions about other genres. You do not need to worry about them but if you are interested, try to get a copy of Anne Franks diary. You will find it interesting as it relates to last term's topic.

Have a good holiday.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Open as usual on the 4th February 2009

Based on the available information from Southampton City Council, I am intending to open school on Wednesday 4th February. Please be aware that roads and pathways may be very icy and I urge you to travel with care and at a safe speed.
If subsequent advice or information causes me to revise this decision, I will endeavour to update this website as quickly as possible and broadcast the relevant details on Radio Solent.
Please do keep listening to these broadcasts.
Thank you for your support today. I hope to see you all tomorrow.
Peter Howard,Headteacher,

....and just in case you wanted some homework!!!!!

We will be revising poetry when we get back. Go on line and find a poem about winter/ snow etc. Read through it.

Do you rememeber the poetry that we learnt in October using the strips? Write/ type your own poem and ideally illustrate it using photos of you in the snow or scenes from your area of the snow.
Bring it in tomorrow.

Monday, February 2, 2009

School will be closed 3rd February 2009.

**************School will be closed 3rd February 2009. Please listen to local radio (Radio Solent 96.1 for further information.*****************

2nd February 2009 . It was "Snow " joke!

It was the worst snow for 20 years but most of the year group turned up. Science was great. They learnt how to make pin hole cameras with Mr Corney and then used them out side and observed the effect. Tomorrow, they will explain to the rest of the class how to make it.

Obviously, there had to be an art lesson so they joined the children from all year groups and went outside and "created snowmen "as part of their art . Finally there was the PE lesson............ Snow ball throwing (and avoidance!)
Well done to all of those who turned up. It was very difficult day but you were brilliant and it was so much fun.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hey, I didnt have squared paper........

If you didn't have squared paper for Fridays homework, its is not the end of the world. Don't worry. Find some plain paper and calculate you maths on there.

You will need you results for Tuesday's maths lesson.
See you all tomorrow.
Mr Booth

Friday, January 16, 2009


1.This week we would like you to investigate your kitchen cupboard.

What is the average weight of the foodstuffs in your cupboard?

Don't forget that you will need to include mean, mode and median.
Mean—add up all of the numbers and then divide by the number of items.
Mode– the most common amount.
Median All of the weights written in order and the middle one is chosen.

What is the range?

On the squared paper provided. Record the item, weight of each item and then calculate the averages.
Who has the highest/ lowest mean , mode, median in the class? What is the range? What is the range of tins?

2.Look at your revision guides. Remind yourself about the criteria for non chronological writing Report.
n your guides back by next Friday.

Friday, January 9, 2009

spellings Y6T2W01

Spellings for week 1


Green/Blue group


Curriculum Bulletin January 2009

At Fairisle Juniors, we would like to provide you with as much information about your child’s education as possible. Every half term, we will send you details of the curriculum your child will be following. In Year 6, the children will be taught the following subjects this half term:

Your child will be taught further skills for writing non fiction and fiction texts. They will study a module of play scripts, narrative, poetry as well as report writing, recounts, instructional texts and explanations. They will also be taught higher order skills of passive and active sentences, punctuation and complex sentence structure.
This half term our focus is to reinforce their mathematical ability, particularly in the
addition, subtraction, division and multiplication of decimals. We expect our children to be able to use these methods to solve real life word problems. We also aim to ensure that they can complete all of their tables and consequently their division facts within eight minutes.
We will be concentrating on experimenting with light and electricity. The children will learn how to reflect light and how light enables us to see. As part of the electricity work, the children will be creating circuits and explaining why some circuits do not work. This will involve lots of hands on practical experiments.
Information Technology:
This half term your child will use the skills developed since Year 3 to produce a booklet based upon the topic Britain since 1948. They will use electronic resources to focus on an aspect of the last 60 years which may interest them.
This links to the ICT and develops the children’s skills in enquiry and analysing historical information. It follows on from the World War 2 topic and will focus particularly on aspects of how life in the UK has changed since 1948.
Music will be taught by the Southampton Music Service and will focus on teaching
electronic music, mixing and layering!
Physical Education:
Over the half term your child will continue to develop ball skills with our regular Saints coach and our indoor unit this half term is gymnastics. Please ensure your child has a plain red T-shirt and black shorts for indoor gym every day as we will take every opportunity to use the hall whenever possible.

Obviously, these are only broad headings. The teachers have detailed plans for each of the above subjects. Should you wish to see them, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.
Saints Wednesday,
Homework: Given out Friday and expected in on Tuesday.
Thank you very much for your support.
Spring (1) 2009
Please look at our website: http://fairislejuniorschoolyear6.blogspot.com/

Year 6 Letter January 2009

Happy New Year to you all.
Dear Parents,

The new term has started with vigour. We are expecting a great term where your child continues not only to learn but becomes fully prepared for the SATs testing in May and their new secondary school in September.

Over the page is a break down of what your child will learn this half term. Below are a few other items which may be of interest.

Saints Time
Your child will continue developing their ball skills outside with the Saints football coach every Wednesday. Please ensure, particularly during this cold snap, that your child has suitable clothing for outdoors. They will enjoy the sports more as long as they can stay warm.

Please also remember that during these sessions, jewellery must not be worn. If your child can not take their earrings out, please provide them with a plaster to cover them up. If for some medical reason you do not wish your child to participate in the activity, please contact the class teacher. The children are expected to wear the school kit. (Red/ white –T shirts, black shorts/ tracksuit bottoms).

Make up, including nail varnish, is not acceptable at Fairisle Junior School at any time.

Homework will be set on Friday and be expected in on Tuesday. It will last between one and a half to two hours. It will include literacy, maths, science, spellings and multiplication tables. We expect all homework to be completed to the same high standard as their class work. It is often used to help teach points in lessons so please encourage you child to bring it on time. Occasionally, optional work is set to try and challenge your child.

We endeavour to paste the homework on to the year group website. Most children seem to have access to the Internet via their own, their parents, friends or computers at Lordshill/Shirley/Town libraries so if your child is away on Friday, please support them by clicking on our site and looking at the homework.

We regularly use our website ( http://fairislejuniorschoolyear6.blogspot.com ) for homework, newsletters, extension activities and important information. Recently we have also pasted links which may interest the children (or yourselves) and we will certainly be pasting sites which will help your child in the lead up to the SATs testing. Please check it regularly.

Over the last few years, children’s understanding of ICT has often surpassed that of their parents. Probably for the first time in man kind’s history, 10 year olds now know more than their parents about something. (whereas we just thought we didJ)

At Fairisle, we understand that this can be very frustrating as parent so if you have ANY questions regarding what your child is doing in school in ICT/Internet or you have concerns about what they are doing on their PC/ Internet outside of school, please feel free to contact us. We obviously have no jurisdiction outside of school hours but we can advise you how to deal with the issues or where you can get further advice.

If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Homework Y6T2W01 9th January 2009

Homework Y6T2W01 9th January 2009


1.Watch an adult cook a meal this weekend. As they create the meal, write the instructions on how to make that meal yourself in draft.

Remember the criteria that we have discussed all week for instructional text.

2. Afterwards describe your meal to someone who has never ever tasted your mum’s/ dad ‘s cooking. Think of the descriptive language that we discussed this week.

3.Draw and label diagram of the meal.

Extension– ask your parents can you follow a simple recipe to make a cake / cook something. This will help you understand instructional text even more.