Tuesday, September 30, 2008

6PB Square Roots challenge

Well done to those who worked on Square roots today with me. What a great group you are! Here is the answer to the challenge that I set you today. Check with a calculator if you want. I did say only go to 2 decimal places (2dp). See you tomorrow!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Homework 19th September 2008 Year 6

Well done on completing last weeks homework. You really tried hard and some of the questions were difficult. We are really pleased.
Lo. To persuade a buyer to purchase my boat.
1.On Tuesday you went to the boat show. As we didn’t bring back a Sunseeker or a yacht, we would like you to imagine that you are a yacht or boat designer / builder and create a poster which will persuade us to buy your boat.

You may want to show us the hull, the luxurious interior., the controls or even all three. It will need to include a description full of persuasive language and labels . You will need a company name and of course the price.

You may design it using the PC if you wish or draw it on plain paper and write the description in your books. Its up to you. There are always pictures of boats on line, in the local newspapers and sailing books (library)

Lo. To calculate Prime numbers.
2 This week we have been discussing Prime numbers . A Prime number is a number that can only be divide by itself and 1. 25 can be divided by 5 so IS NOT a Prime number. 23 can only be divided by 1 and 23 so IT IS a prime number. See your study guide for more help.
Circles—Write down all of the Prime numbers from 2 to 13
Triangles– Write all of the Prime numbers from 11 to 43
Squares—Write down all of the Prime numbers that are less than 61
Pentagons– Write down all of the prime numbers that are less than 100 but more than 50 . What do you notice about the numbers?
Hexagons- Write down all of the prime numbers that are in the 100s. What do you notice?
Extension. How many Prime numbers are there that are less than 1000?

3. Learn your tables

4. Read at least 2 pages.

5. Spellings.
LO. To learn roots, prefixes and suffixes.
If you were part of Mrs Newman, Mrs Ghosh ,Mrs Thomas or Mrs Burns groups last year, choose 5 of the words.

Your homework must be in on Wednesday. Don't forget that you are going to Oasis Academy on Thursday. A copy of this homework is on the school website

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Newsletter 2

Please click below to read Newsletter 2.
Newsletter 2

Monday, September 15, 2008

How we multiply at Fairisle.................

Click on the link below to find out how we multiply at Fairisle Junior School.


Friday, September 12, 2008

Homework 12th September 2008

Homework Year 6 12th September 2008

This week you have been learning how to multiply using either grid, expanded, short or long multiplication. You have been given a sheet with multiplication calculations. Complete them in your homework book . Make sure that your digits are in columns and it is neat. Label each question with the letter. You must show the working out. You may also check with a calculator at the end but only once you have shown your working out!

Spellings. You need to learn these spellings. Remember all of the different ways that you have been taught.
6 melody
7 remember
8 syllable
10. attitude

These are optional

Write a paragraph (s) which contain all of the 10 spellings. You will need to show through your writing that you understand the meaning.

1. strawberries
2. people
3. babies
4. scarves
5. knives
6. watches
7. ladies
8. brushes
9. lorries
10. inches

Just a reminder you need red/ black PE kits for Tuesday. Outdoor games kits are needed for Wednesday (Saint’s Simon) and Games on Thursday.

Your homework needs to be in on Wednesday.

A copy of this has been posted on your website http://fairislejuniorschoolyear6.blogspot.com/

Friday, September 5, 2008

Homework Year 6 5th September 2008

Homework Year 6 5th September 2008
LO. To revise setting the scene using the five senses, colours, reference to light, details and figurative language.
As clever people, you'll know that a good story needs to include some description.
Task:Read my terrible description of a house…

It was a big house. It has a path to the front door. It smelled bad. It looked untidy. It had a bad smell. The wallpaper was cheap. The carpet was dirty. The furniture was broken. You wouldn't want to live in this house.
Your job is to rewrite it in your draft books, using interesting adjectives and all of our descriptive skills. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you to include the commas and complex sentences! Write 10-12 lines . Underline your connectives.

Don't forget that you have tables to learn. (You know which ones to learn ready for your test on Friday!)

Spellings. You need to learn these spellings. Remember all of the different ways that you have been taught.
6 Forgotten
7 Holiday
8 Important
10. telephone.

These are optional
Write a paragraph (s) which contain all of the 10 spellings. You will need to show through your writing that you understand the meaning.

If you were part of Mrs Newman, Mrs Ghosh ,Mrs Thomas or Mrs Burns groups last year, choose 5 of the words.

Just a reminder you need red/ black PE kits for Tuesday. Outdoor games kits are needed for Wednesday (Saint’s Simon) and Games on Thursday.

Your draft book needs to be in on Monday but your homework need to be completed for Tuesday.