Sunday, August 31, 2008

Just a few days to go..........

Question 1.........

How many days has it been raining this holiday?

Question 2..........

Are you looking forward to going back to school on Thursday?

Just in case you have finished your last homework, here is the next piece before you return.

L.O. To revise describing a character's appearance.
In an exam we all feel under pressure. You've only got half-an-hour to write a complete story. Most people rush through the plot, desperate to make sure they get to 'the end' - and they neglect to describe any of the characters. If you are writing a vampire story, then you need to make sure you describe what one of your vampires looks like!

Task: Write a two-three line description of the following characters. Remember to 'zoom in' on interesting details.

Please bring all of your homework in on Thursday so that it can be marked at the weekend. We look forward to seeing you then.
If you are in Shirley or town, it will help you this term if you can get travel brochures or information on St. Lucia.
Feel free to leave a comment. Remember if you sign in anonymously, please just leave your first name.
See you soon.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Optional Homework for the 3rd week of the holiday.

You can't be bored already! There is plenty of of holiday left and the sun may shine again.
Oh well, here is the home work for this week.

Task 4: Revising descriptive techniques
L.O. To revise setting the scene using the five senses, colours, reference to light, details and figurative language.
As clever people, you'll know that a good story needs to include some description. Revise how to do this by clicking here:

Read my terrible description of a house...It was a big house. It has a path to the front door. It smelled bad. It looked untidy. It had a bad smell. The wallpaper was cheap. The carpet was dirty. The furniture was broken. You wouldn't want to live in this house.What a rubbish description!

Your job is to rewrite it, using interesting adjectives and all of our descriptive skills. I'm sure you don't need me to tell you to include the commas and complex sentences. !Write 10-12 lines and then annotate your writing, showing me where you have used the different descriptive skills from

When you have finished put your work neatly into your folder. We cant wait to see it. Have a good week.